HF radio HF radio Australia HF radio network HF radio network Australia Aussie HF HF radio club HF radio club Australia HF radio club _2 Radio Network radio Australia HF Radio _3 HF radio _5

Getting Started



Using Australia’s friendliest HF Radio club is easy! All you’ll need is an ACMA Approved Land Mobile HF Radio, an approved application from the Australian HF Touring Club, the desire for lasting friendships all throughout Australia, and the willingness to participate within our club


ACMA Approved Land Mobile HF Radio--If you don't have one, contact us and we will point you in the right direction when it comes to selecting the right equipment for your needs.


Australian HF Touring Club membership gives access to the club's multitude of benefits. To join, go to our Online Membership Application Form located in our JOIN section, complete the form, then submit your completed application and appropriate payment to the Club Secretary.


As with any association, its success depends upon its unity. Australian HF Touring Club’s members foster the friendly nature of our club by going the extra distance. We reach out to our air-wave friends during travels and we lend a helping hand when we are able. We enjoy the company of our fellow members whenever possible because the lasting friendships created through Australian HF Touring Club are the keys to our success.


Share experiences with current members who have been "on the Frog and Toad" for years. You'll gain valuable knowledge of the Australian Bush and other useful information to help you in your travels. Our members share information about camping spots, local fuel prices, road & weather conditions and much more!

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is the governing body for radio telecommunications in Australia. In accordance with the Radiocommunications Act 1992, land based HF Radio transmissions must come from an ACMA approved, land HF Radio.  If you are unsure whether your HF Radio meets this requirement or would like advice on purchasing a new HF Radio, our Field Officer would be happy to help!

We take pride in being Australia’s most affable and easy-going group of HF Radio and Camping Enthusiasts!  As an Australian HF Touring Club member, you can be glad to lend a helping hand to others during their travels, you can be happy to share your experiences and knowledge and you can look forward to hearing those familiar voices over the air and be concerned when you do not. If you value safety and mateship, your Australian HF Touring Club membership surely will provide both!

HF Radio Marker
Australian HF Touring Club Inc
P.O. Box 366